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Trenbolone 100


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The main effects of the drug

To date, trenbolone deservedly earns a reputation as one of the most powerful anabolic steroids in its ability to increase muscle strength gains. At the same time, the high androgenic properties of trenbolone acetate were reflected in the frequency of side effects. The probability of „pobochki“ very serious, especially increased risk of incorrectly formatted prices.

Trenbolone nevertheless leads to an increase in muscle mass (up to 10 kg per course of 8 weeks), increase electricity performance, promotes fat burning and so on.

What are steroids and how to make Trenbolone-100 (Trenbolone Acetate)?

The options are huge. But if you want to achieve the maximum increase in strength and a significant improvement in muscle definition, then it is best to combine with stanozolol, testosterone propionate or turinabol.

For example, proven course Trenbol-100 (50-100 mg every other day for 6 weeks) testosterone propionate + (about 100 mg every other day for 6 weeks) Stanozolol + (about 40 mg per day from week 1 to 9). For more efficiency, this combination (at 80 mg per day 7-9 weeks) Clenbuterol can be added, and minimize side effects – Clomid (7-9 weeks – 150 mg per day).

In turn, a greater muscle mass application of AAS injection can be combined with the ester use of methandienone or reception testosterone. Thus, excellent results can achieve a course methandienone + + this drug, testosterone propionate. Dosages: methandienone from 10-40 mg per day, from 1 week, testosterone propionate 50-100 mg per day, from 1 week and trenbolone acetate 50-100 mg start every other day to 2 weeks (FCT – gonadotropin and clomid).

Side effects

The highly anabolic effect of trenbolone causes and the incidence of side effects.

The most common side effects of trenbolone:

Increase in blood pressure Insomnia

Baldness, acne
Decrease in libido, Erectile dysfunction, Testicular atrophy
Urine staining in red

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