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To sell testosterone enanthate, at the base and is responsible for the action of Testoviron Depot, it appeared in the 50s and almost immediately the athletes gained confidence (it was the first and only oil steroid in the West, so its popularity is not surprising). Nowadays, the demand for does not decrease in any way, on the contrary, more and more athletes resort to its help, when you need to increase muscle mass, increase firmness and strengthen the body.

However, this is really powerful and has a prolonged effect of steroid, Testoviron Depot 250 can increase other equally beneficial properties, not only the muscles and strength. As a rule, its use leads to improvements such as:

• The rapid increase in starch;

• rapid muscle growth;

• improvement of joint function (increased strength and elimination of joint pain);

• Very strong effect pumping;

• Stimulation of regeneration processes (rapid organism recovery);

• Increase libido during the course;

• Increasing the strength of bone structure and strengthening the immune system;

• The normalization of the nitrogen balance;

• increase overall vitality.

Testoviron Depot (Testoviron) works just as well as for beginners in the use of hormone drugs, and already experienced athletes. Testoviron Depot (Testoviron) improves performance in training, but also significantly accelerates muscle recovery. Experienced athletes on the track Testoviron Depot (Testoviron) train daily or even several times a day and at the same time overtraining is not observed. Muscles during the training process are greatly increased in volume due to the strong blood postupaleniya to the muscles, with an increased number of red blood cells and oxygen. Beginner’s course should not be applied in the first year, and on a few subsequent testosterone enanthate, as they see a great influence on the less androgenic and safe steroids such as Turinabol, stanazolol Primobolan, Deca, Boldenone, Oxandrolone.

Application method Testoviron Depot

Dosages required, specific athletes determined individually, taking into account the physical data (weight, blood pressure, pulse), goals and pharmacological experience. However, on average, the manufacturer recommends taking 250-1000 mg of active ingredient per week (which can be divided into two steps).

Novice amateur bodybuilding in the first year it is advisable to use a dose of no more than 250 mg per week. At the same time, professional athletes, the experience of sports pharmacology, who for several years can take 1000 mg testosterone enanthate.

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