Testover E amp.


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Testover E – Testosterone enanthate ester with a half-life of 6-7 days pharmacological Vermodzhe plant (Moldova). Vermodzhe enanthate is one of the most popular anabolic steroids in triathlon, weightlifting and bodybuilding for a range of muscle mass. Testover E – is a long-acting steroid: to maintain a high concentration, injections are made 1 time a week.

Testover E Vermodje distinguishes a very advantageous form: providing a cost-effective run 10 ml, with a concentration of active ingredient of 250 mg / ml.

The drug stimulates the recovery processes in the body, increases vitality and endurance. Application Testover E Westlife increases the blood volume and the total number of red blood cells, so it is a possibility of hypertension. Bone tissue under the influence of steroid strengthens and atrophies, so their use should only be those athletes whose bodies are already fully formed. Development of one’s own testosterone exposed to pituitary gland activity of the body decreases. Among the side effects should also mention the decrease in spermatogenesis, and prolonged use can atrophy testicular feminization gynecomastia. In the female body, changes occur, caused by androgens and lead to virilization, increase in libido, changes in the voice. During the collapse of the steroid in the blood is converted into a large amount of estrogen.

Side effects

Side effects of Testovera E from the second or third week of the course with Proviron or aromatase inhibitors, if avoided. Further aromatase inhibitors should be enanthate within one week of termination. To best control the hormones, it is recommended to analyze the level of estradiol and time of post-cycle therapy with aromatase inhibitors. If the duration of the course of reception Testover E is than two months at a weekly dose of 250 milligrams or higher, then it should be used as PCT gonadotropin. If you are not in the maximum interest of losing weight, you should immediately begin to get a degree of the course Cortisol Blocker. Correctly selected sports nutrition and nutrition can minimize the „rollback phenomenon“.

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