Methandriol Dipropionate


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Description Methandriol dipropionate 75

Methandriol dipropionate 75 – injectable form of methandienone, a powerful anabolic steroid. Methane in liquid form is very rare, so the drug of British Dragon is a kind exclusive in the sports market. It has a higher bioavailability than the oral form, less toxicity pecheni. Aktivnoe substance is immediately absorbed into the blood and is valid for 5 hours after injection. Methane occurs in the cells by activating structural protein synthesis, RNA and DNA. Steroids provides intense cellular respiration, creates a positive nitrogen balance and slows down the degradation processes. It has positive effects on endurance and well-being for sportsmena. Metandriol can achieve the following results: rapid muscle growth (up to 1-2 kg per week); progress in performance; a slight decrease in body fat; increase endurance; increased appetite; Strengthening of bones and joints.

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