Masteron 100


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Masteron, like Boldenone, is very popular in the US and Europe, in Germany, as it has only recently gained popularity. Masteron (Masteron) is a soft drug and is used in a variety of sports, not just bodybuilding. Swimming, wrestling, athletics, weightlifting, hockey and many other sports in which the essential strength, speed and endurance without a serious increase in the weight of the athlete.

Masteron (Masteron) – active chemical substance drostanolone propionate. Masteron (Masteron) is a steroid with a high androgenic effect and anabolic moderate. Masteron (masteron) derivative dihydrotestosterone in the body and do not aromatize i.e. It does not turn into a powerful estrogen – estradiol. In addition, Masteron (Masteron) also aromatization has antiestrogenic action. Masteron (Masteron) is similar to testosterone by the action of an athlete, but it is weaker and safer testosterone


the anabolic agent can be used with other drugs, as well as separately in combination. In the latter case, the dose is usually slightly increased. Men are asked to take these from 300 AAS to 500 mg per week, every other day or every third day, as an active ingredient of up to three days. Due to the high probability of virilization, women are recommended not to exceed the dose of 25-50 mg / day and often take the injection once every three days.

Beginners should not let in in increasing doses if they do not have these steroids earlier, although guests might get the wrong impression that „the more -., the better“ steroid course usually lasts 6 to 10 weeks or longer 8-12 weeks.

Side effects

Despite the excellent fat burning properties, Masteron has a number of side effects such as aggression, the appearance of acne, hair loss, women – virilization and for men – prostate hypertrophy.

Such anabolic steroids typical side effects as increase in blood pressure, fluid retention and impairment of liver function, the drug is not.

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