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Testosterone enanthate – anabolic used by athletes are long-acting to recruit muscle mass. Validity is about 2-3 weeks to maintain a constantly high concentration of testosterone in the blood is not required to inject at least 1 time a week.

It is characterized by high androgenic activity, high taste and suppression axis hypothalamic-pituitary-testicles strongly pronounced. The blood detected within 3 months, is non-toxic to the liver.

Its popularity, testosterone enanthate gained thanks to growth and an improvement in muscle relief, while increasing performance performance. Since the weight gain due to fluid accumulation in the body, at the end of the course of treatment, many athletes face a rollback phenomenon.

Reception reduces joint pain, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, improves vitality and accelerates regeneration. However, there is a high contraceptive effect of the drug.

Instructions for
use The optimal dosage of 250-500 mg Testosterone Enanthate 1 injection once a week. Duration of reception in this case is 8-10 weeks. Post-cycle therapy begins after 2 weeks after the last injection.

From the second week of reception, it is desirable to introduce in Proviron course to avoid the side effects of estrogen.

For muscle mass set established rate testosterone enanthate (250 mg) and nandrolone (200 mg) along with gonadotropin.

The drying time should be combined with Anavar or Winstrol.

Side effects
The most common side effects when taking testosterone enanthate is aromatization and gynecomastia, women are characterized by the phenomenon of masculinization. Blood pressure observes growth, baldness, acne appearance, aggression and inhibition of pituitary function leads to decreased production of testosterone.

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