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Sustanon – effective means for use in a sports environment. It was a good combination of useful properties at an acceptable cost.


Sustamed is a modern drug consisting of several natural hormone testosterone esters. It was originally developed for the realization of hormone therapy when testosterone is low. An effect that gives the drug, as the athletes, so it has been actively used in the sports environment.

Testosterone esters, which form in different ways by the body Sustaretarda, absorbed. This quality helps to support optimal hormone levels for a whole month. Put injections are often not necessary, enough a single injection for 3 weeks.

Price Sustamed relatively low compared to similar products that can be found on the market today. To buy a product was of high quality and safe for health, it is necessary to trust only proven suppliers.

Useful properties

Tetrasterone has the following positive properties:

Anti-catabolic action;
An increase in the number of red blood cells, which help to quickly saturate muscle cells with oxygen;
increase in muscle mass up to 6 kg per month;
An increase in testosterone in the body and thus increased libido.

Contraindications and side effects

TESTOSTERONE MIX-250mg is not yet formed in young people under 21 years of age, whose contraindication to musculoskeletal system has not yet formed with hypertension and cardiovascular nature.

In rare cases, say the athletes take during Sustanon 250 flu-like condition, and a mild fever.

TESTOSTERONE MIX (Sustanon 250) popular and effective drugs for full training and preparation for a competition that combines safety in the use of effects, resistance.

For more information about Sust 250, please visit this website

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