

Artikelnummer: 691 Kategorien: , Schlüsselwort:


pharmacological effects
potassium, magniysberegayuschy diuretic. Is a competitive antagonist of aldosterone for distal nephrone influence (competes sides on the cytoplasmic protein receptors, the synthesis of permeases in aldosterone sensitive part of the collecting tubes and distal tubule binding), increases the excretion of Na +, Cl- and water reduces the excretion of K + and urea, reduces the titratable acidity of urine. Increased urinary excretion causes an antihypertensive effect, which is unstable. The hypotensive effect is not dependent on the level of renin in the blood and plasma does not occur in a normal blood pressure.

The diuretic effect is seen on the 2-5 day of treatment.

of edema in chronic heart failure, cirrhosis (especially with the simultaneous presence of hypokalemia and hyperaldosteronism), in nephrotic syndrome.

Swelling in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy.

Hypertension, including aldosterone produtsiruyuschey with adrenal adenoma (in combination therapy).

Primary aldosteronism. Aldosteroneprodutsiruyuschaya adrenal adenoma (long-term maintenance therapy with contraindications to surgery or in case of rejection of it). Diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism.

Hypokalemia and its prevention in the treatment of salureticami.

Syndrome of polycystic ovaries, premenstrual syndrome.

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